‘The View’ Rips ‘Trumplican Party’ for Trying to ‘Poop All Over’ Election Results With Latest Lawsuit (Video)

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“The View” got messy during a discussion about the Trump administration’s latest legal effort to overturn the presidential election results on Thursday, accusing the “Trumplican party” of trying to “poop all over” the election results before they can be officially certified.

This morning’s episode didn’t devolve into an all-out brawl, but it did see the co-hosts talking over each other with more gusto than we’ve seen since Meghan McCain went on maternity leave.

What got the co-hosts so juiced up was a New York Times’ report that Texas’ attorney general has filed a lawsuit with the Supreme Court attempting to argue why votes from four battleground states should be overturned. It’s been backed by attorney generals from 17 other states.

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Although the co-hosts were in agreement that the lawsuit will be swiftly rejected, the topic opened up a whole can of worms about fighting between Republicans and Democrats.

“I suspect the Supreme Court will do what it did with the Pennsylvania case and just summarily dismiss it,” Sunny Hostin said. “What I see happening is that the Republican party, or the Trumplican party, has become hostile to history, protocol, our duly elected officials, and just democracy. They’ve become hostile to democracy, and that’s a shame.”

Joy Behar pointed the finger at Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz, who agreed to Trump’s request that he argue the case if it makes it to the Supreme Court.

“In a new low of patheticness, Ted Cruz is going to forget about and swallow the fact that Trump said his wife is ugly, that his father was part of the Kennedy assassination, Ted Cruz will just let it all go away because he wants to be president in 2024,” said Joy Behar. “He wants to run and he needs Trump’s cult certainly to give him some momentum.”

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In an interesting move, Hostin attempted to give a voice to Republicans by sharing a conversation she’d recently had with friends across the aisle.

“I spoke to some friends the other day, some Republican friends, and they said something interesting to me. They said that four years ago when Trump won, Democrats refused to accept the results. That Democrats opened up investigations into the Trump campaign, were saying that the election had been rigged, that Russia helped elect Trump — they said to me, why do people now feel that Trump supporters are being so bizarre when they’re just doing the same exact thing that Democrats did four years ago?”

But Whoopi Goldberg was not having it.

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“How is it possible that people miss the fact that the Russians did mess with the election? That people did meet with the Russians when they should not have?” Goldberg said. “I don’t know how suddenly everyone forgets the reality that we have to investigate because the law said we did.”

She continued: “The idea that none of that happened, that he sailed in without any help, without any questionable tactics — because we the people did take him to court to say that this is wrong — this is all the senators and all those people who are saying, well, we’re going to poop all over this. I guess that’s what this is, if what you’re saying, Sunny, is this is really a retaliation. This has nothing to do with the people who voted.”

Watch the clip below.

17 STATES BACK TRUMP ELECTION LAWSUIT: The co-hosts react to a long-shot Texas lawsuit seeking to persuade the Supreme Court to take an extraordinary step to overturn the results of the presidential election in four key swing states. https://t.co/mFDz00xM9L pic.twitter.com/SteCwSAzD1

— The View (@TheView) December 10, 2020

Read original story ‘The View’ Rips ‘Trumplican Party’ for Trying to ‘Poop All Over’ Election Results With Latest Lawsuit (Video) At TheWrap