‘You’ve Been Trumped Too’ Gets European Premiere At IDFA

EXCLUSIVE: You’ve Been Trumped Too will have its European premiere at the largest documentary festival in the world. The film that has angered the Donald Trump Organization will get its premiere at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam at the historic Pathé Tuschinski’s Screen 1, which holds 720 people. The film will be shown on Friday, November 25 and Director Anthony Baxter will be present for an extended Q & A.

After Trump threatened to sue over the film, Baxter gave it up for free on Facebook in the U.S. where it was seen by about 500K people and shared by Rosie O’Donnell and Cher. Word of it bowing in Europe at the festival comes at a time where massive protests are being waged and staged in the U.S. in the nation’s largest cities. There have been two nights of protests and supposedly more to come as we head into the weekend.

You’ve Been Trumped Too tells the story of the Forbes family in Aberdeenshire, Scotland who the President-elect threatened with compulsory purchase (eminent domain in the USA) after the Forbes’ refused to sell their property to the billionaire for a luxury golf course. The course was built in 2011, but the film explains that it has delivered just 95 of the 6,000 jobs promised by Trump and lost millions of pounds since opening. It also shows a Mexico-style border that were built around the homes of several residents objecting to Trump’s golf course, and a Site of Special Scientific Interest was destroyed in the process.

In the film, 92-year-old Molly Forbes says she was without a clean safe water supply for five years, after it was cut off by Trump’s workers during the construction of the course. Her son Michael was branded ‘a pig’ by Mr Trump, and his farm ‘a slum’.

“With Donald Trump now President-elect, this screening sends out a crucial message for the importance of free speech,” said Baxter. “Trump’s legal threats have already impacted on our ability to get the film out more widely. And with Mr. Trump now in possession of the keys to the White House, we need to stand firm, as we are heading into deeply unsettling times.”

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