‘Vanderpump Rules’ star Tom Sandoval reveals the three public places he’s had sex

Who knew Tom Sandoval was a card carrying member of the mile high club?

In the latest episode of Reality Star Showdown, Vanderpump Rules stars Tom Sandoval, who has previously appeared on Reality Star Showdown, and his Tom Tom Bar Restaurant co-owner Tom Schwartz, played a rousing game of Cock-tail All.

Host Tracy Gold asked a series of Vanderpump questions and the first to buzz in could answer. If they answered correctly, they’d pour a shot from a range of ingredients (Jello, tequila, orange juice, etc.) into a glass. Each correct answer counted as a point, and the first to get to five points won. The loser had to drink the gross concoction.

Sandoval dominated the game and at one point, in response to a question, disclosed the three public places he’s had sex: an airplane, a bathroom and a dressing room.

Sandoval has previously talked about his high altitude hijinks, explaining it was with his girlfriend at the time and that he “got away with it.”

With five points to Schwartz’s one, Sandoval was the winner. He named the cocktail, which consisted of tomato juice, pickle juice, tequila, orange juice and pineapple juice, “A Hot A** Mess.”

But despite the name, when Schwartz drank it, he was pleasantly surprised. “It’s kind of delicious,” he said.

He then passed it to Sandoval, who took a swig. And Gold, ever the good sport, polished it off.

Each week on Yahoo Entertainment, sit down with your favorite reality stars and get the scoop in the best way we know how — trivia! Reality Star Showdown is produced by Ellen Digital Network and distributed on Yahoo Entertainment.

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