Vanderpump Rules recap: 'Watch Your Back'

Vanderpump Rules recap: Season 6, Episode 14

Any time there’s a Jax and Brittany-centric episode of Vanderpump Rules, I have to consult social media for a spoilery update as to whether they’re actually going to weather the storm (again) this time. As of last week, the two are still all smiles and together, per Brittany’s Twitter page, but during tonight’s show, her friends (?) sure do put on a show of trying to steer her in another direction.

First, there’s James, who’s enjoying an emotional reunion with his father, Andros. There’s a lot to be learned about the dramatic, drunken DJ from his dad, a music man who previously managed George Michael and even earned the “man about town” distinction from Lisa Vanderpump back in the ’80s. Apparently Andros’ divorce from James’ mom has had an impact on his happiness (and perhaps sobriety). It’s a humanizing story line to see James in, but then he comes right out with his prediction that he and Lala have some grand future together on the Grammys stage, and we’re right back to face-palm status. Next.

Brittany throws Jax a party at Hooters, and while most everyone shows up, they’re all a little perplexed as to why she’s being so generous to the same guy who cheated on her just a few weeks ago. Between this party and the electric drum set, even Jax’s friends are wondering what his motivation is to stay and not stray again.

For Brittany, she’s simply taking her mother’s advice to give it 100 percent and not dwell on the past, but to everyone else, she looks sad. Luckily, the Toms know just how to break the tension of the evening by whipping out matching man rompers for them to strut around in, and suddenly it’s not the Hooters waitresses on display anymore.

Later, while Scheana’s got her own relationship issues to sort through (since Rob’s been openly telling people he’s not in love with her and feels pressured by her pep about their relationship, apparently), she’s leading the charge on getting Brittany out of her funk with Jax. In fact, she’s got her eye on a potential new suitor for the Southern sweetheart: Adam, the handsome new bartender back at Sur.

Just as Scheana is going full throttle with Rob, she’s also not holding back about Brittany. She invites her (but not Jax) out for drinks, and look who shows up in the empty seat next to her but Adam. Brittany’s already had to question her relationship with Jax once that day, since she finally told her father what happened with Jax, and her dear daddy has never quite been sold on the guy anyway. Brittany’s dad makes the point that at 38, Jax pretty much is who he is always going to be, so if she was hoping he might change, she may be in for a(nother) rude awakening. Just ask Stassi Schroeder about that one, yeah?

For now, though, Brittany’s standing by her man, full-on Tammy Wynette-style. She can’t just make her feelings disappear in a snap, no matter what he’s done, so she continues to be in love with Jax, despite how much he’s embarrassed and hurt her. That said, Scheana’s surprisingly salient words about how she knows what it’s like to wake up and lie to herself about everything being okay (she’s probably talking about the Shay situation, but it’s just as relevant now) seem to sink in with Brittany. (Recap continues on page 2)

Meanwhile, Tom Sandoval learns a hard lesson about trying to be the alpha of the Tom-Tom group when he asks some questions about where and how the bar will be built and Lisa tells him, without mincing her words, that Ken has “built more bars than [Tom’s] had hot dinners.” Instead of having a say in any design elements, which is strictly LVP territory, she’s giving them the mission to make a drink menu that’ll combine the best bits of Los Angeles and otherwise just back the heck off already. “Message received,” Sandoval says.

Annnnd now we can talk about the “elephant” in the room.

Ariana’s brother Jeremy becomes a hot topic of conversation for pretty much everyone after he asks Billie Lee out on a date. Billie is definitely down for it and accepts his offer, excitedly telling Stassi and Kristen about the invite. Instead of being pumped for her, though, they have their reservations. In their mind, Jeremy’s a little bit of a creep, especially after he spent all of Katie and Tom’s wedding night hanging all over them without getting the memo that they weren’t interested, as they tried to slink away from his sloppy embraces. Gag.

Kristen suggests that Billie Lee make sure their date is in a public place, and Stassi feels compelled to share her disfavor for him, based on her own icky experience (of which there is footage, and yes, she was right to be disturbed). If anything, they’re looking out for a friend and offering a word of reservation based on their own experiences. Is that so bad?

Billie shares what Stassi and Kristen said about Jeremy (there is no sanctity in gossip spilling with these people) with Scheana and Lala, and they’re both incensed. After all, Jeremy never made a move on them, so the others must be liar-liars with pants on fire, yeah? When it gets back to Ariana, she’s perturbed about people bad-mouthing her brother and thinks they’re dead wrong about him.

After all, Jeremy has put on a super good face lately. LVP even slipped him a little cash for saving the day when it came to the Sur fire. And who didn’t fist pump when Billie expressed her concerns that he might have a problem with her being transgender, and he responded, “You’re a woman now and you deserve to be acknowledged as a woman. That’s what you are, and everyone else can f— off.” That is, to quote Billie herself, a “dope” answer.