Utah Deputy Punches Through Frozen Pond to Save 8-Year-Old Boy From Drowning on Christmas

Utah Deputy Saves 8-Year-Old Boy From Drowning on Christmas

An 8-year-old boy was saved from drowning by a sheriff’s deputy in southern Utah after he fell into a frozen pond on Christmas Day.

A Washington County Sheriff’s sergeant punched through the ice to get him out after the boy ran on thin ice while chasing a family dog in New Harmony, according to the Associated Press.

Fox 13 reported another boy saw him slip through the ice and into the pond but was unable to help him get out. As the little boy’s struggle continued, the sergeant — identified by Lt. Dave Course in a statement to the St. George News as Aaron Thompson — began to beat the ice with his bare hands in order to save the child.

Crouse told the outlet of Thompson’s decision to immediately take action instead of waiting for back up.

“Sergeant Thompson made the personal decision to attempt rescuing the victim without the aid of specialized equipment,” Crouse said. “Thompson stripped his police gear and immediately entered the water to locate the child.”

According to the outlet, the boy was seen about 25 feet away from the shore, with Crouse saying, “Thompson was able to locate the victim under the ice and bring him back to shore.” He added that the boy and the deputy were immediately taken to the hospital.

While additional details as to the boy’s health have not been released, the AP reported Tuesday that Thompson had been released from the hospital after being treated for symptoms of hypothermia, cuts and bruises.