The Upcoming Taylor Swift Documentary Will Not Include The Scooter Braun Controversy

Her Upcoming Documentary

Taylor Swift is set to take over yet another aspect of media, releasing a new documentary, Miss Americana, on Netflix on January 31st. The doc will cover the latest phase of Taylor's career and her move into a more political arena. It will also feature Taylor throwing off the "good girl" persona that people have come to expect.

Will we be seeing a completely new side of Swift or will it just be the reputation tour all over again? Swifties will have to wait until January 31st to decide.

The Scooter Braun Drama Will Not Be Featured

However, if you were expecting the doc to cover all of the drama of the Scooter Braun conflict over the ownership of Swift's masters, get ready to be a little disappointed. According to director Lana Wilson, that won't be covered.

"he Big Machine stuff happened pretty late in our process. We weren’t that far from picture lock. But there’s also not much to say that isn’t publicly known. I feel like Taylor’s put the story out there in her own words already, and it’s been widely covered. I was interested in telling the story that hadn’t been told before, that would be surprising and emotionally powerful to audiences whether they were music industry people or not."

Taylor's Major Moment

Swift has spoken about the conflict with Big Machine in the past, dragging Braun and "toxic masculinity" in a speech at Billboard's annual Women in Music Awards event.

"Lately there has been a new shift that has affected me personally, and that I feel is a potentially harmful force in our industry. And as your resident loud person, I feel the need to bring it up. That is the unregulated world of private equity coming in and buying up our music as if it is real estate. This just happened to me without my approval, consultation, or consent.

Let me just say that the definition of the toxic male privilege in our industry is people saying, 'well, he's always been nice to me', when I'm raising valid concerns about artists and their rights to own their music. Of course he's nice to you. If you're in this room, you have something he needs.

The fact is that private equity is what enabled this man to think — according to his own social media post — that he could 'buy me. But I'm obviously not going willingly."

But Will She Talk About 'Cats'?

However, the real question is whether or not the docuseries covers the madness of Cats? Probably not, but that doesn't mean that Swift didn't have a great time making the bonkers film. She told Variety:

"I’m happy to be here, happy to be nominated, and I had a really great time working on that weird-ass movie. I’m not gonna retroactively decide that it wasn’t the best experience. I never would have met Andrew Lloyd Webber or gotten to see how he works, and now he’s my buddy. I got to work with the sickest dancers and performers. No complaints."