Uncle Luke’s Son Arrested For Assault After Threatening Two Women With Knife

Uncle Luke’s son, Luther Campbell Jr., was arrested recently for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The Miami rapper’s son allegedly approached two women while holding a knife and threatened them.

CBS News reports that Campbell Jr. aggressively asked the women “What did you say?!” while walking towards them on Miami’s South Beach on Tuesday (March 28). The women managed to get away and hide behind a vehicle before identifying the perpetrator as the 2 Live Crew member’s son.

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Police later arrived on the scene looking to arrest Campbell Jr. and he attempted to get away. Upon finally restraining Campbell Jr, they discovered the weapon in his pocket. He was charged with assault with a deadly weapon and resisting arrest, rendering his bond to be set at $6000.

Due to prior charges of grand theft auto, controlled substance possession and knowingly driving with a suspended license, per reports from CBS News, Campbell Jr. was ordered to be held in jail until Tuesday (April 4). He has also been prohibited from speaking with the two victims.

Uncle Luke took to Instagram to express his issues with the arrest and the fact law enforcement is mishandling Black children as a whole. “Here’s what’s really going on [in] the place. They call South Beach Miami Beach–racism to the fullest by the government of Miami Beach,” the 62-year-old wrote. “You will not see this on the news. They are part of the scheme to [picture] African-Americans as animals. Along with the mayor, Dan Gilbert, and the entire government of Miami Beach government.”

He continued, saying “@ogilbert3@mayordlc@mrhardemon I am urging you to put a stop to what’s going on in Miami Beach. Stop giving them in-kind services from the county, make them come with [an] organize plan of events for African Americans on spring break weekend and memorial day weekend before they receive funding from the county. You can stop them from [picturing] African-Americans as animals.”

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