UK Police Investigating More Sexual Assault Claims Against Harvey Weinstein

Officers from the Metropolitan Police’s Sexual Offences division are understood to be investigating three further allegations of sexual assault against disgraced mogul Harvey Weinstein.

On October 12, it was reported that London police were “assessing a sexual abuse allegation” against the producer. The New York Police Department on the same day said it was looking into possible complaints against Weinstein.

The latest allegations in Britain were made yesterday, Scotland Yard said in a statement provided to Deadline today:

“On 11 October, Merseyside Police referred an allegation of sexual assault to the Metropolitan Police Service. It is alleged that a man sexually assaulted a woman (Victim 1) in the late 1980s in west London. On 14 October, further allegations were made against the same man. It is alleged that the man sexually assaulted a woman (Victim 2) in Westminster in 2010 and 2011, and in Camden in 2015.

Officers from the Met’s Child Abuse and Sexual Offences Command are investigating the allegations. There has been no arrest at this stage.”

The Guardian and other UK outlets reported that the man in question is Weinstein.

The news comes as British actress Lysette Anthony (Hollyoaks) accused Weinstein of sexual assault in an interview with The Sunday Times. Anthony said Weinstein assaulted and raped her in her own home. She is one of two new women to claim that Weinstein had raped them, along with a former London-based Miramax employee who told The Daily Mail that she was assaulted in the office 25 years ago.

Today’s police investigation also follows a decision by AMPAS on Saturday to expel Weinstein from the organization. Weinstein has denied any allegations of non-consensual sex.

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