Tyler Blackburn Talks Killer 'PLL' Finale

Tyler Blackburn Talks Killer 'PLL' Finale

Caleb was a man with a plan in last night's Pretty Little Liars summer finale ... it just turns out that bringing a gun to a knife fight was not the best plan as he was accidentally shot in the stomach (but by whom?) and taken to Rosewood General, where he's currently in surgery.

Thankfully Tyler Blackburn confirmed to me this morning that Caleb does not die -- the character not only factors in to the Halloween episode, but also season 3B (airing in January)! So what did Tyler think about PLL's summer finale? Read on to find out!

TheInsider.com: What did you think of the episode?
Tyler Blackburn: It was so crazy! Obviously you read scripts and know what's coming, but the finished product was so mind-blowing. I got chills. It was really, really good. I feel like there was so much thrown in your face. I'm sure people are still in shock a little bit.

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Insider.com: The first time you read the finale script, what went through your mind?
Tyler: I got a little freaked out ... but I also knew I wasn't going to die. It was a moment of "Oh God..." but it was just one of the many surprises about reading this script at the table read. We filmed a few different "A" reveals, so we didn't actually know what was going to be used. It was mysterious to all of us until last night.

Insider.com: Who were the other unmasked "A's"?
Tyler: They shot Toby, Caleb and Paige all in the black hoodie at the end. Obviously they went with Toby, which is crazy!

Insider.com: Any part of you disappointed that Caleb wasn't chosen?
Tyler: I would have been happy either way – it would have been an amazing twist. This mystery of "Who is A?" has taken over the world, so to be an "A" would have been kind of monumental. But at the same time, I'm digging being the guy who gets shot too.

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Insider.com: I don't know that Hanna would agree there. Ashley Benson just broke my heart in that crying scene, what did you make of her performance?
Tyler: What's so funny is, on set, I was watching on the monitors and she just goes there so quickly and so genuinely but as soon as they yell cut, she's on her phone texting. It’' the craziest thing to watch. But Ashley has an extremely emotional availability and it's moving to watch. Watching it, it broke my heart. She almost made me cry last night.

Insider.com: What does the future hold for Hanna and Caleb?
Tyler: I think they're going to have to be more secretive about their relationship moving forward because of "A" – but in a way, that makes it a little more exciting because they'll have to keep it secret. Their [relationship is] extremely resilient. I feel like it's going to continue being a rollercoaster given the nature of the show, but I do think they're a really solid couple and that's what I like most about them. I feel like they're Bonnie and Clyde. They have eachother's backs.

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Insider.com: You know Bonnie & Clyde get shot to death in the end, right?
Tyler: [laughs] Yea, but I feel like that could happen. It's PLL! But that's the thing, they will have eachothers back until the end.

Insider.com: Speaking of getting shot, exactly who shot Caleb remains a mystery. Will season 3B address what happened in the lighthouse?
Tyler: You'll get more information about [what happened in the lighthouse] but for now, it's something that should remain a mystery. I don't want to say too much because it was designed to leave some open questions. You'll have to wait and see.

Insider.com: Is Caleb in the Halloween episode?
Tyler: Yeah. There's some mystery attached to how, but he does make an appearance.

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Insider.com: This season Caleb really cemented himself as the fifth PLL. How cool is it to see him become so important to the core of this show?
Tyler: It was really cool. You can only play the naive dude for so long. It was great to get in on the action – and the fact he's so willing to help shows how passionate he is for Hanna and her friends. He wants to help. I think that's part of his nature. He's been through so much, he's learned to survive and I think he's only going to continue being helpful to them moving forward.

Insider.com: Looking at season 3B, what are you excited for fans to see with Caleb?
Tyler: We're still shooting season three and I like the direction it's going in. He has a lot of integrity, he's like a knight in shining armor in a lot of ways, and I think those two [qualities] will continue to be a common thread through the rest of season three. Obviously I don't know the writer's plan after that, but I hope he always maintains a bit of his badass-ness. I want him to help [the PLLs] but at the same time, I want him to stick to his guns and rise to the occasion and shake some things up!

Insider.com: Well, congrats on surviving another Pretty Little Liars finale. I feel like that is an accomplishment in and of itself.
Tyler: [laughs] I know! They're dropping like flies around here man.

Pretty Little Liars' Halloween episode airs October 23 on ABC Family.

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