The Two Things Adult Son Living At Home Says He Wants From His Parents

JJ says his mom, Susan, is “not there for me as a mother.” He claims she puts him down, calls him names and doesn’t care about him. The 27-year-old who doesn’t have a job, lives at home and is still supported by his parents says he wishes she was more supportive and motivated him.

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“I told my mom I’m depressed, and she told me to just ‘Suck it up.’ That’s all she says to me, ‘Suck it up,’” he says.

JJ’s parents, Susan and Steven, say he’s a lazy moocher who would rather lie around all day drinking, while they foot the bill. They claim they’ve spent almost $60,000 on their son.

WATCH: Dr. Phil Tells Mom What He Believes Her Motivation Is For Enabling Adult Child

In the video above from Monday’s episode of Dr. Phil, JJ tells Dr. Phil the two things he wants from his parents. When Dr. Phil offers this family a chance for help, will they all agree to follow his rules? Check here to see where you can watch.

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