Two baby pandas born at France's Beauval zoo

France welcomed the birth of two baby pandas

Location: Beauval Zoo, Saint-Aignan

Zoo staff cheered as they watched surveillance camera footage

of female panda Huan Huan giving birth

and later holding her babies


"This is an incredible moment since we have two babies. This was the case four years ago, but one of the two did not survive. Right now, we have two wonderful babies that are in great shape. The first one that we took weighed 149 grammes, and that's a great weight for a baby panda. And the second one seems very lively in the arms of its mum, and for now, she does not want to give him away at all and she's completely focused on her baby, so we'll see. I think we'll wait a bit before taking the baby."

Huan Huan came to France on loan from China in 2012

Her arrival was hailed as a sign of warming diplomatic ties

between Paris and Beijing