Twitter Is Shocked To Learn That The 'Nodding Meme Guy' Is Robert Redford

There are people in this world, particularly on Twitter, who didn't know the "nodding meme guy" was Robert Redford.

Common Knowledge?

That grisled guy in the wilderness with an overgrown beard and ripped jacket is none other than Robert Redford -- star of blockbusters like "All the President's Men," "The Natural" and "Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid."

The glitch caused such an uproar that there were stories about this case of mistaken identity.

Zach Wishes It Was Him

Further, many people oddly thought the nodding man was Zach Galifianakis.

It seems plausible that Galifianakis would be confused for Redford -- they both have beards, after all.

No One But Redford

People held firm in their belief to their own detriment -- but they're wrong.