Twitter reams Melania Trump for making her 9/11 tribute all about herself

Sept. 11, 2018 marks the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. For Americans, it’s a time to reflect on the events of that tragic day, and pay homage to those who lost their lives and the brave first responders who ran towards danger.

But there’s a lot of discord over Melania Trump‘s tweet about the somber anniversary. Ahead of joining President Trump for a memorial to the victims of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pa., the first lady posted a photo of the couple and two military guards standing solemnly in front of the White House. The photo was taken during a 9/11 memorial service held last year.

While there’s little to object to in FLOTUS’s short but simple message of #NeverForget, her critics have found her choice of image to be distasteful — because it features her and the president. The first lady’s tweet has been slammed by commenters who accuse her of posting a “narcissistic” photo rather than patriotic imagery or art specific to the lives lost on Sept. 11. (Stepson Donald Trump Jr., for instance, posted this image of the Twin Towers.)