Twin Peaks high school to be demolished

Fire walk with memories.Twin Peaks high school to be demolished Michael Roffman

Say goodbye to the iconic halls of Twin Peaks High School. As Dazed reports, the real-life Mt. Si High School in Snoqualmie, Washington closed its storied doors on Friday with demolition scheduled for July 5th.

The school was a crucial setting in David Lynch and Mark Frost’s original series. In addition to being a recurring locale, the high school was also where the majority of the characters first heard about the death of Laura Palmer.

As expected, Twin Peaks fans have already begun lamenting its loss online by sharing recent photos. As you can see below, the place looked relatively unchanged. The red zags on the walls. The red lockers. There was even a charming ode to Norma and Ed.

Alas, all we can do is put on “Laura Palmer’s Theme” and cry.


Twin Peaks high school to be demolished
Michael Roffman