Trying to Reverse Balding? Here’s Why Laser Hair Growth Devices Are Trending

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Hair loss is happening to most of us on a daily basis. For both men and women, it’s normal to lose about one hundred strands of hair per day. Generally, these strands grow back. However, many people reach a point in their lives when that re-growth stops happening, whether it’s because of age, stress, heredity, poor nutrition, medical conditions, or hormonal changes. When that happens, it may seem like you have to say goodbye to your full head of hair for good – but it’s actually not the case.

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These days, many companies are offering laser hair growth devices, that help stimulate and re-promote hair growth from the comfort and safety at home. These devices can be ordered online too for discreet and convenient shipping.

How Do Laser Hair Therapy Devices Work?

Laser therapy is a form of treatment that encourages hair growth. It’s less invasive (and costly) than undergoing hair transplant surgery, plus FDA-cleared treatment devices such as helmets and combs are widely regarded as effective and safe. It’s a low-level form of therapy and is sometimes referred to as red light therapy or cold laser therapy. It works by invigorating your circulation and stimulating your scalp tissues. This helps reinvigorate and encourage hair growth in weak cells.

This form of treatment is safe and effective for both men and women. The degree to which your hair will grow back varies from person to person, like all treatments. Unless you are experiencing new, rapid hair loss as a result of an undiagnosed medical problem, laser therapy offers noticeable improvement while also strengthening your existing hair. Of course, if your hair loss is due to a medical condition, you’ll want to consult with a doctor before beginning any time of new routine.

Selecting the right device for your needs will depend on your budget for both time and money. Devices usually range from $200 to $800 dollars. This is not an instantaneous treatment, but choosing between a helmet and a comb model will have an effect on your time commitment. Helmets have to be worn, and most people like to wear them in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. This means you need to have some downtime to set aside, and for optimal results, you must keep with it for 4-6 months. If you opt for the comb, you’ll need to brush for about ten minutes every other day. Results will still take around six months, but it’s easy to incorporate time to comb into your morning routine or on the go.

What Are the Best Laser Hair Growth Devices?

Whether you have a receding hairline, bald spots, or just generally thin hair, these devices could help restore your hair – and confidence. All of these devices are cleared by the FDA for safety and effectiveness.

1. iRestore Laser Hair Growth System

In a 2017 clinical study involving both men and women, iRestore says all its users grew hair within four months. By wearing the helmet for 25 minutes every other day, the company says you can help promote thicker, stronger hair.

The iRestore is most effective if used at the onset of hair loss. If you are already bald, chances are high that your hair follicles are dead and the laser stimulation won't be able to reinvigorate them. The helmet is designed with 51 medical-grade lasers and has five fitted pads on the inside, so you'll feel comfortable while wearing it without needing to constantly shift or adjust. And while no laser growth helmet will ever look completely discreet, this is the most streamlined-looking unit on our list.

laser hair growth helmet review
laser hair growth helmet review

iRestore Laser Hair Growth System

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2. HairMax Laser Hair Growth Comb

The HairMax comb can easily integrate itself into your morning routine. Unlike the helmet models, this isn't something you wear; you simply brush your hair along your scalp for eleven minutes every other day. It has undergone seven clinical studies, and after six months of use, HairMax says the comb can help you regrow your hair to 129 new hairs per square inch of scalp. It's designed to treat age-related hair loss or thinning, heredity hair loss, and menopause-related hair loss.

We especially love this model because it's discreet-looking and lightweight - you can easily travel with it or tuck it into your bathroom drawer when not in use.

laser hair comb review
laser hair comb review

HairMax Laser Hair Growth Comb

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3. Theradome EVO Laser Hair Growth Helmet

Not only does this helmet promise to help facilitate hair regrowth, it can also strengthen your existing hair and help prevent or slow down future loss. Theradome uses a three-phase treatment method. In the first 1-3 months, it slows down your hair loss. Then, in 2-6 months, it thickens your existing hair. Finally, after those phases are complete, new hair (hopefully) grows. For best results, the company says to wear the helmet four times a week for twenty minutes. The good news: it's cordless, so you can go about your normal household routine without being strapped in.

laser growth helmet review
laser growth helmet review

Theradome EVO Laser Hair Growth Helmet

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