Trump-Pelosi Feud Hits New Lows With ‘Doctored’ Video

President Donald Trump took to Twitter Thursday night to tweet out an edited video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stumbling over her words.

The 30-second video featured clips from a news conference Pelosi held Thursday. The full briefing as it appears on C-SPAN lasted around 20 minutes. However, the 30-second clip Trump shared was edited to highlight only the instances in which Pelosi stumbled, in rapid succession. It includes several instances when she hesitated, and another where she refers to “three things” and holds up two fingers. Another moment is also repeated several times. The content does not appear to be otherwise altered.

The edited clip first appeared on Fox Business’ “Lou Dobbs Tonight,” which Trump shared on Twitter after it aired, with the caption, “PELOSI STAMMERS THROUGH NEWS CONFERENCE.”

This is the second misleading video of Pelosi that circulated Thursday. The first, which was initially reported by The Washington Post, allegedly slowed down part of a speech Pelosi had given at the Center for American Progress on Wednesday in such a way to give her the appearance of being drunk and slurring her words. The video appears to have been removed from YouTube, but copies continue to circulate.

Trump and Democrats have been trading blows since Trump stormed out of an infrastructure meeting with Democrats on Wednesday. The edited clip of Pelosi’s speech was just the latest in a series of jabs by the president—earlier in the day he had called her “crazy” and claimed that “she is not the same person. She has lost it.”

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