In Trump’s First 100 Days, Here Are the 14 Best Late-Night Jokes (Videos)

In Trump’s First 100 Days, Here Are the 14 Best Late-Night Jokes (Videos)

Seth Meyers discusses Trump’s first “100 Dayz and Confused,” taking a closer look at his unfulfilled promises, calling Paul Ryan by the wrong name and assailing POTUS’ plethora of tweets.

Trevor Noah summarizes the first week of Trump’s presidency, highlighting his infatuation with Fox News and the creation of his own untrue reality.

Following his first press conference, Colbert tackles the messes that were POTUS’ answers, getting”Devos-ified,” and his mistreatment of “very fake news” reporters.

Fallon pulls out his famous Trump impression for a segment on his “YUUUGE” wheel of decisions that explain his erratic presidential actions.

Using Kellyanne Conway’s favorite phrase, Kimmel delivers his version of alternative facts and Trump’s need to see a “C-I-Achiatrist.”

Alec Baldwin, Kate McKinnon and Beck Bennett shine in an SNL skit starring POTUS, Bannon and Angela Merkel.

One of John Oliver’s most successful segments, he highlights the serious problem of “a president capable of standing in the rain and saying it was a sunny day” with his signature humor.

In this Conan O’Brien segment, Trump asks Obama for advice on the press, tweeting toilets and his Valentine’s Day plans with Putin.

Trevor Noah covers the annual White House Easter Egg Roll– highlighting Trump forgetting to place his hand on his heart and Steve Bannon’s transformation into the Easter Bunny.

Colbert discusses Trump’s frequent trips to Mar-a-Lago or as he likes to call it his “timeshare in crazy-town,” and his accompanying Twitter freak-outs.

After the “in-ugh-uration” and the international shows of solidarity at the Women’s March, Meyers covered the public’s reactions to the “most popular president since Obama.”

In this SNL segment, Baldwin as POTUS makes an appearance on the People’s Court and battles with the judges of the ninth circuit.

Kimmel compiles footage from several of Trump’s meetings of him “moving stuff around”– funnier than it sounds.

Samantha Bee’s coverage of Trump’s “hard power budget” criticizes the massive cuts to education and ignorance about climate change, calling Trump’s America “figurative hell.”