Trump-Backed Super Pac Places 6-Figure Ad Buys in Ohio, Pennsylvania Senate Races

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Former president Donald Trump‘s new “MAGA Inc.” Super PAC has placed two six-figure ad buys in states with tight midterm Senate races.

The super PAC, launched by Trump’s team in September with plans to to support pro-Trump candidates in the midterms, has completed ad buys in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

So far, Politico reported via AdImpact that $135,650 worth of ads were placed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and another $276,000 in Columbus, Ohio, and Cleveland, Ohio, adding that the numbers are expected to rise as more stations report buys.

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The former president has been campaigning in Ohio for Republican J.D. Vance, the author of “Hillbilly Elegy,” and last month rallied in Pennsylvania for Dr. Mehmet Oz, the former daytime host who came to popular culture via Oprah Winfrey.

Democrat John Fetterman had a double-digit lead over Oz through August, but the gap has narrowed in recent weeks. Polls show the state’s lieutenant governor out-polling the former heart surgeon by 4.3%, according to Real Clear Politics.

In Ohio, polls are lagging, with the last one reported in late September showing Vance up by 1.2% over Democrat Tim Ryan, well within the margin of error. The lead has flipped back and forth between the two candidates since Vance’s five-point lead in August eroded, according to Real Clear Politics.

Trump had a $100 million war chest to spend on candidates he supports for the November elections, but Politico reported he has faced criticism for not using more. Both Vance and Oz trail their opponents in fundraising, making outside support more important.

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Fetterman recently told MSNBC that Republicans “unloaded $15 million of McConnell’s money on us”, referring to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. “And now we are the top target on Fox News,” he added.

Ohio and Pennsylvania are two of the most expensive battleground races, as well as being favorite targets for late night hosts, and will help determine the balance of the Senate for the next two years.

Federal Elections Commission filings show Pennsylvania on top this year, with $87.4 million raised by four candidates, with Fetterman on top with over $25.8 million and Oz second with $19 million.

Ohio is fifth with $73.9 million raised, including $21.5 million by Ryan and $3.6 million by Vance, according to

Trump also continues to hold rallies with candidates he supports. He’ll next appear in Arizona and Nevada this weekend.

The former president’s endorsements were key for candidates during primary season, but with major issues like the overturn of Roe v. Wade playing into this year’s races, it’s less clear how his support will play in the general election.

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