Truly Texan: Statesman introduces new podcast featuring stories of Texans by Texans

Truly Texan is coming to your favorite streaming platforms on Aug. 15.
Truly Texan is coming to your favorite streaming platforms on Aug. 15.

When you think of a Texan, you probably picture a cowboy hat-wearing figure atop a horse. Maybe they're even riding out on a dry, country plain with rolling tumbleweeds.

And while that image is sometimes true for a Texan, it doesn't fit everyone. Texans come in all shapes, sizes, ethnicities and backgrounds, and that's why the Statesman is proud to present Truly Texan, a podcast showcasing all the different people that make the Lone Star State so unique.

And the best part - it features you!

We're telling your self-submitted stories, from the El Paso desert to the Galveston coast and from the dust storms of Lubbock to the cityscape of Austin. We want to hear the stories of your lives, from your struggles to your triumphs and everything in between.

So what kind of stories are we looking for? Here are some examples:

  • An Austin drag queen fighting against the Texas legislature

  • A small business owner trying to make a living in the tiny town of Turkey

  • A Dallas nurse who worked day and night during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • A Native American living on the Alabama–Coushatta Reservation in Polk County

And much, much more. We're open to any and all stories, so fill out the Truly Texan submission form for a chance to be featured.

Truly Texan hits podcast platforms on Aug. 15.

This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: Truly Texan: A Stateman podcast featuring stories of Texans by Texans