We Tried It: Baby Jogger's New Travel System

Baby Jogger travel system
Baby Jogger travel system

Courtesy Baby Jogger

We Tried It: Baby Jogger Vue Lite travel system, new for 2015

Who tried it: Rennie Dyball, senior editor

Why she did it: To see if this one-box travel system can deliver everything you need from birth ’til the baby’s out of the infant car seat.

Pros: Everything you need to tote around your new baby comes in one box — the joy that such simplicity brings a new or expectant mom cannot be overstated.

The City Go infant car seat comes with a base for the car and adapters for the stroller, so you can easily click the car seat into and out of both places, ideally without even waking a sleeping baby. The car seat is very light at 8 lbs., which is important for those transfers in and out of the car.

And this stroller has a feature that others of its size do not: you can easily reverse the seat (truly in two seconds, as the company promises) so the child can face the parent or face out. Plus, the price is quite good for the bundle.

Cons: While it will get you from point A to point B, this stroller doesn’t have the smooth feel or easy one-handed maneuvering of models like the brand’s City Mini or other full-size strollers across the market. This one definitely has that umbrella stroller feel to it, rather than that smooth ride you get with a larger model or a higher price point.

I also found the fold to be tricky and the storage basket too small for an everyday stroller.

The verdict: Want it all in one box until your child outgrows the infant car seat and you don’t plan on lots of long walks outside? Then this travel system delivers.

But if you’re a city dweller or plan on putting real mileage on your stroller, you’ll want a larger, more solid option.

Cost: MSRP $299.99, exclusively at Target and Target.com. Comes in aqua, cherry or gray.