Trevor Noah Thinks Trump Wants to Deport Melania

Comedy Central
Comedy Central

On Wednesday night, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah listed off his many similarities with First Lady Melania Trump: “We’re both immigrants. Neither of us would be here if it wasn’t for Donald Trump. And, I’m just going to put it out there: we’re both style icons.”

But the real reason Noah wanted to talk about the first lady is that he is starting to have a sneaking suspicion that President Trump is “trying to deport” Melania. “And you might be asking, why would he want to deport his wife?” The host said he didn’t know for sure, but suspected it might have something to do with their reported marital problems.

“Who knows?” he asked. “It may have even created some tension between them when Trump allegedly banged a porn star and then paid her to be quiet and then the whole country found out about it.”

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Looking at Trump’s immigration policies, Noah said he started to notice a “pattern” that indicates he wants his wife to leave the country. Over the course of the segment, he examined everything from stories about Melania allegedly working as a model without a proper visa to her use of so-called “chain migration” to get green cards for her parents.

“As if this wasn’t enough evidence that Donald Trump is trying to deport his wife, then how do you explain the new policy his administration announced this week?” Noah asked, referring to a policy that would prevent immigrants on government assistance from staying in the country. “Well, guess who lives in a free house provided by the United States?” he said. “Melania Motherfucking Trump!”

Vowing that he’s “not going to let it happen,” Noah urged viewers to tweet the hashtag #DontDeportMelania, “because if this great immigrant is forced to leave this country, then the United States can never truly be best!”

Within an hour of the segment airing on Comedy Central, the hashtag was trending nationally on Twitter.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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