Trevor Noah Thinks Stormy Daniels Scandal Won’t Just Ruin the Country, ‘It’s Gonna Ruin Porn’ (Video)

Trevor Noah is upset that Rudy Giuliani appeared to derail President Trump’s defense in his legal fight with Stormy Daniels. But his problem isn’t with Trump’s legal vulnerability or the scandal. It’s that pornography as a medium is threatened. And on Thursday night’s episode of “The Daily Show,” Noah rolled out a porn parody to explain why.

On Wednesday, Giuliani told Sean Hannity that Trump knew all about the $130,000 his lawyer Michael Cohen paid to Daniels in 2016, that the money was “funneled… through the law firm,” and that Trump paid Cohen back. This directly contradicted previous Trump statements and had critics crowing that Trump may have committed campaign finance law violations.

Also Read: Giuliani Says Trump Repaid the $130K Given to Stormy Daniels (Video)

“You know what really pisses me off about this? The Stormy Daniels thing was supposed to be the simple scandal in Trump’s story,” Noah said. “But now it’s about lawyers and campaign finance and bureaucracy. It’s not just ruining the country, it’s gonna ruin porn.”

Cue a parody of the “pizza delivery boy” porn genre. But when the woman offers to trade sex for pizza, the delivery boy explains the red tape they’ll face.

Also Read: Michael Avenatti Crows After Rudy Giuliani's Implosion on 'Hannity': Trump 'Will Not Serve Out This Term' (Video)

“I’m sorry, I don’t have any money. Can I pay in some other way,” asks the woman.

“If you’re saying what I think you’re saying, that’d be an illegal, in-kind contribution,” the delivery boy replies in a husky whisper. “You’re gonna have to file disclosures every. Single. Fiscal. Quarter.”

Thus followed a montage of contract-signing shot to look like badly filmed sex. Watch the whole clip above, with the parody starting at about the 4-minute mark.