Trans tailor breaks boundaries in Pakistan

Jiya is a transgender tailor

stitching colorful clothes for women

and the trans community

Location: Karachi, Pakistan

The Stitch Shop opened its doors

just before Ramadan in March

It’s a busy time for tailors and

Jiya thinks she fills a unique niche

"There are women who hesitate and feel awkward to go to male tailors. They feel comfortable with us..”

They have faced many challenges

Landlords were reluctant to do

business with transgender people

Jiya has learnt how to tailor for diverse bodies too

Jiya believes business will be brisk

As people buy new clothes for Eid

at the end of Ramadan

"The biggest challenge was the fitting of transgender persons. Any tailor can do the fitting of women. But to learn the fitting of transgenders took me one to one and a half years to understand the length ratio and other fittings because some (trans) persons are tall, the others are short."