New traffic stop protocol introduced in Morris County for drivers with autism

Law enforcement is rolling out a program designed to improve interactions between police and drivers with autism during traffic stops.

The Morris County Sheriff's Office, Morris County Prosecutor’s Office and the Morris County Police Chiefs Association announced the start of a Blue Envelope Program during April, which is Autism Awareness Month.

The goal is to “bring attention to some of the concerns law enforcement officers face when encountering a driver with autism,” officials said in a statement yesterday.

The program, which originated in Connecticut and is being adopted throughout the country, is designed to make it easier for people on the autism spectrum, who “may have difficulty communicating directly” or “effectively with police.”

The autism community also sees the need.

“I think there's a desire and a willingness from both the autism and law enforcement communities because everyone's interested in keeping everyone as safe as possible and any time there's interaction with law enforcement, first impressions are critical and that's what measures like this help achieve,” said Suzanne Buchanan, executive director of Autism New Jersey.

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Everyone is different but generally people with autism have “communication differences and behaviors or thinking that are repetitive or restricted to an area of interest,” states Autism Speaks, which advises people on the spectrum to carry a handout explaining their disability at all times in case they are stopped by police.

Atypical interactions with law enforcement can put everyone involved on edge, especially if officers don’t have experience with autism, warned Autism Speaks.

Officers will also be trained to watch for behavior like a lack of eye contact or unusual reactions to flashing lights or loud sirens that might otherwise lead to suspicion.

“I think this is a needed and innovative way to help members of our community feel more comfortable with law enforcement. The Blue Envelope Program may help drivers and officers feel safer and communicate easier,” said Morris County Prosecutor Robert Carroll.

People who take part in the program can stop at local police departments to pick up blue envelopes, where they can keep their driver's license, vehicle registration, and insurance card, contact information for family and friends.

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Morris County Sheriff James Gannon, who brought 3,000 envelopes to police departments said the program "is a great way to reduce any added danger by creating a communication bridge between drivers with ASD and our officers."

Anyone who thinks they may benefit from the program is welcome to take part, said Morris County Sheriff's Office spokesperson Mark Chiarolanza. No doctor's note is required.

Instructions for police officers will be printed on the outside of envelope:

  • Driver may exhibit signs of anxiety due to bright lights and noises like your radio

  • Driver may display repetitive body movements or fidgeting and may have unusual eye contact

  • Speak clearly and use the most simplistic explanations possible. Limit unnecessary details

  • Allow driver extra time to respond, driver may need more time to formulate a response

  • Clearly tell the driver when the stop is over and they can leave

  • If the driver becomes upset, consider contacting the person listed on the contact card

This article originally appeared on Morris cops ask drivers with autism to carry blue envelopes