Tom Jones’ Epic Tale About the Time Elvis Sang to Him in the Shower

On Conan, Tom Jones told a story about the time in 1965 when he and Elvis were both doing shows in Las Vegas. Someone had pitched a song to Elvis. The King thought it wasn’t quite for him but would be a great fit for Tom, so Elvis waited in the wings for Tom to finish his show and started his pitch the moment he walked off stage. Tom needed a shower, so he asked Elvis to wait, but the next thing he knew, he heard the King singing while he was washing his hair. Chitchat on either side of the shower curtain went on until Tom was ready to get out, at which point he realized that Elvis had been in the bathroom with him the whole time, and while he was in there he … used the facilities. And this is where the story got good. Elvis was wearing one of his signature leather jumpsuits, and let’s just say there’s no easy way to relieve yourself while wearing one of those, and once Conan put this part of the story together, hilarity ensued.

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