Tom Holland Had to Drink Water Through the Eye Hole of His Spider-Man Costume

Tom Holland Had to Drink Water Through the Eye Hole of His Spider-Man Costume

Tom Holland had to get creative in order to stay hydrated on the set of Spider-Man: Far From Home.

“It’s an interesting contraption to say the least,” Holland, 23, told Entertainment Tonight in a recent interview, explaining that to drink water while in his Spider-Man suit, he had to push a straw through the costume’s eye hole and down to his mouth.

“Basically, my eyes in my mask, they clip off, they come off, because they’re glass, and obviously the suit is fabric, and they need to clip in,” the actor further explained. “And what I can do is I can take my left one out, and there’s a little, like, thing that I pull out, and then I put a tube, a squeezy tube, down into my mouth, and then I can drink from a bottle.”

The MCU star said that after spending so much time in the suit, he found another hack — one that allowed him snacks!

“But what I found out now is if I push the mask forward, I can now squeeze like gum and stuff, down the eye hole,” he added. “I’ve had a KitKat in the suit now.”

Spider-Man’s various suits have been a hot topic among fans, especially since Holland will sport some new ones in Far From Home.

Tom Holland | Columbia Pictures
Tom Holland | Columbia Pictures

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Speaking to IGN, Holland said that wearing the black and red suit is “like wearing a work of art.”

“It looks so realistic that it feels like you should be able to climb walls, and you should be able to shoot webs. And the way that it’s made is an homage to the Godfather of the MCU,” he said, referencing Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.).

But despite the cache of Spidey’s new suits, Holland has also spoken about just how difficult it is to wear the head-to-toe outfit.

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In a recent interview with Seth Meyers, Holland said that he would argue that out of all the Marvel superheroes, he has the most difficult suit to wear.

Tom Holland
Tom Holland

“Because I have no skin showing,” Holland told the late night host. “I’m straight up head-to-toe in lycra. I can’t even use my phone. And I’m 23, like, I use my phone a lot!”

“I’ve become so good at liking pictures with my nose,” he added, to laughs from the audience.

Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 2.