Tom Hiddleston Robert De Niro impression

Is there anything more hilarious than Tom Hiddleston’s impressions? Okay, there may be a few things, but his take on Robert De Niro is gold.

The actor (Thor, Crimson Peak) dropped by The Graham Norton Show, where he joined De Niro, Anne Hathaway, and Kenneth Branagh — and showed off a handful of impressions. After showing off his versions of Owen Wilson and Christopher Walken — both spot-on  —Hiddleston showed De Niro his De Niro by acting out a scene from Michael Mann’s Heat, impersonating both the parts of Al Pacino and De Niro.  

“It’s an expression of admiration to be clear,” Hiddleston says of his greater talent for imitation.

His Pacino mustered a hardy laugh out of De Niro, who ultimately seemed to give his approval of it all. “This is so meta,” Hiddleston says. “I feel like I’ve gone into a parallel universe.” We do too, Tom.