Tom Hiddleston ruins breakfast forever in creepy Chinese advert

Tom Hiddleston making you breakfast. What could go wrong?
Tom Hiddleston making you breakfast. What could go wrong?

Whoever dreamed up the idea of Tom Hiddleston serving breakfast for a multivitamin advert probably couldn’t believe their luck when the English actor actually agreed to star.

However, far from being the alluring ad that they’d envisioned, the Chinese commercial for Centrum is just wrong. So, so wrong. Need proof? Just take a look below.

Where to begin?

Now, Tom Hiddleston is obviously a very talented actor, as his Laurence Olivier, Evening Standard, Empire, TV Choice and Golden Globe Awards can attest. But it is pretty clear from the very beginning of this advert that he is now quite feeling the material.

Rather than seeming like the cosy and relaxed partner that’s obviously intended, he instead seems creepy and a little conniving. Much more Kathy Bates in Misery than Hugh Grant in Notting Hill.

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Hiddleston’s shaky start soon dives into full on absurdity when he hands us a Centrum to complement the meal he has just made. You can almost taste his indifference when he utters the name of the product, which was almost certainly at least his 60th take, and was still probably overdubbed.

Tom Hiddleston in High-Rise
Tom Hiddleston in High-Rise

At this point things just get even weirder, as Hiddleston gets his excuses in early, saying, “I’ll probably be a bit busy for the next few weeks” before promising to make it up to us soon.

Some questions. If we’re married or in a relationship, where exactly is he going for so long? Or was this just a one night stand? If so, why is he leaving us alone in his house? If its not his house, why was he making breakfast and being so comfortable in my kitchen?

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Before any of these questions can be answered, Hiddleston gives the most insincere wave in the history of hand gestures and walks straight out of the house. Almost certainly never to be seen again, and hopefully to fire his agent.