Tom Hanks, ‘Frozen 2’, ‘Mulan’, ‘Maleficent’ — And Fox — Feature At Disney’s CineEurope Session

At Disney’s first CineEurope presentation since it acquired Fox, execs offered a select look at the combined slate here in Barcelona this evening. The session, which followed on from the combined CinemaCon presentation in April, included a first-ever (work-in-progress) trailer for live-action adaptation Mulan, new scenes from Frozen 2, extended footage from Terminator: Dark Fate (which Paramount has domestically) and a surprise guest in the form of Tom Hanks who was introduced by Cathleen Taff, Disney’s President of Theatrical Distribution, Franchise Management and Business & Audience Insights.

Hanks, the only major star to hit the Barcelona stage this year, has recently been on a promotional tour for Toy Story 4 and charmed attendees, talking about the history of the franchise, praising the latest installment — which has received glowing reviews — and throwing in a wink to other Disney pics from Black Panther to Star Wars. Toy Story 4 goes domestically on Friday and begins offshore rollout tomorrow.

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Following that, SVP of Studio Distribution for The Walt Disney Company EMEA, Tony Chambers, and SVP Studio & Integrated Marketing for The Walt Disney Company EMEA, Lee Jury, dug into the rest of the presentation with a video message from Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker director JJ Abrams. Though there was no footage of the upcoming conclusion to the now 42-year-old epic franchise, the previously-released teaser trailer was shown.

There was also a brief video message from Marvel chief Kevin Feige, which was shown around the same time that news outside the auditorium dropped about Avengers: Endgame getting a re-release on June 28 with a cut that has a new post-credits scene. There were no new details about upcoming Marvel pics, though Feige thanked exhibitors for their support and said there would be more to come soon.

Up next, footage from Fox’s Christian Bale/Matt Damon-starrer Ford Vs Ferrari (which is releasing as Le Mans ’66 overseas) was introed by director James Mangold, also via video. Fox’s fall Brad Pitt space drama Ad Astra too got a trailer as did comedy Stuber.

Under the new official title, The King’s Man, Matthew Vaughn’s third Kingsman pic was teased with some first-look footage. Blue Sky’s Will Smith/Tom Holland animation Spies In Disguise also offered up a special extended look.

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Rounding out the Fox highlights, Searchlight President of International, Rebecca Kearey, teased the Oscar-winning label’s coming titles including Taika Waititi’s JoJo Rabbit, the Guillermo del Toro-produced Antlers, Terrence Malick’s A Hidden Life (which was acquired during Cannes), Natalie Portman-starrer Lucy In The Sky and Downhill, the English-language remake of Ruben Ostlund’s lauded Force Majeure that stars Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

Chambers and Jury then introduced a behind the scenes look at Pixar’s 2020 Chris Pratt/Tom Holland title Onward and a featurette about Soul, the just-announced summer 2020 entry that’s directed by Pete Docter.

Two scenes from Frozen 2, the sequel to the highest-grossing animated film of all time, which just dropped a trailer last week, were further unveiled. Release begins November 20 offshore and November 22 domestically.

They were followed by extended looks at Maleficent: Mistress Of Evil. The sequel to the 2014 $759M worldwide Angelina Jolie-starrer casts its spell starting October 16 overseas and October 18 in North America.

Dwayne Johnson/Emily Blunt adventure Jungle Cruise also was tubthumped with a behind the scenes look. Inspired by the Disney attraction, it sails into theaters in July 2020.

Dis rounded out the presentation with a new peek at its July 19 domestic/international — and July 12 China — release The Lion King. The film from director Jon Favreau is poised to be huge this summer and Dis capped off the day with a live rendition of “Circle Of Life,” sung by Zama Magudulela, who is part of the Madrid stage show and was backed up by a local choir as streamers flew into the auditorium.

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