Tom Hanks Bought Lunch for Everyone at an In-N-Out Burger

Photo credit: Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images
Photo credit: Chip Somodevilla - Getty Images

From Esquire

Tom Hanks, America's most trusted public figure, stopped by an In-N-Out in Southern California with his wife, actress Rita Wilson. Chronically lovely people that they are, they not only paused to take photos, but also paid for everyone’s lunch.

"I had the absolute honor of meeting the one and only Tom Hanks and his beautiful wife Rita Wilson today," one fan captioned their Instagram post. "The coolest people I've ever met!"

Hanks plays children's television icon Fred Rogers in the upcoming film You Are My Friend, which is due to be released in October 2019. Treating everyone to lunch and sticking around for photos is definitely something Mr. Rogers would heartily approve.

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