Todd Rundgren and Hawkestrel Cover Post Malone’s “Circles”: Listen

If you’ve been hoping for the opportunity to hear studio wizard Todd Rundgren and Hawkwind’s Alan Davey collaborate on a cover of a Post Malone song, the wait is over. Watch the video for Hawkestrel, Todd Rundgren, and L. Shankar’s instrumental cover of Post Malone’s Hollywood’s Bleeding single “Circles” below (via Billboard).

"When I heard [‘Circles’] it reminded me of a piece of music I wrote in ’85 called ‘Cosmic Doll’—before Post Malone was even born, which made me feel old,” Davey said to Billboard. “I started playing it in the house and started to hear, ‘Oh, I can do this with it and that with it....’ Before I knew it I was recording it; three hours goes by and all of a sudden you've written this piece of music for no reason.”

Over the weekend, Post Malone performed on the American Music Awards stage with Ozzy Osbourne, Travis Scott, and a lot of fire.

Read Pitchfork’s Overtones feature “Learning to Love Post Malone.”

Watch Todd Rundgren on Pitchfork’s “Over/Under”:

Watch Now: Pitchfork Video.

Originally Appeared on Pitchfork