Today’s Takeaway: When To Get A Second Opinion

Tasha says her daughter, Sierra, was a problem child from the start of her life.


Growing up, Tasha claims Sierra was no stranger to trouble. Tasha claims Sierra brought pot cupcakes to her high school and fed them to unsuspecting students, constantly lied, and falsely accused men of inappropriate sexual behavior. She says she eventually started the emancipation process because she says she wanted to be released of the liability of her own daughter.

Now, at 17, Sierra has run away far from her mother’s home to another state. Sierra faces her mother for the first time in more than a month. Sierra says she’s been on a spiritual journey to find herself, but it’s getting hard because she’s alone.

Tasha says Sierra is no longer allowed in her home, but she loves her daughter with every fiber of her being. They come face to face to see if they can overcome their issues and begin the process to be a family again.

Watch the video above for Dr. Phil’s final thoughts on this episode, airing Friday. Check here to find out where you can tune in.

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Mom Claims 17-Year-Old Daughter Lies, Manipulates, And ‘Will Steal Whatever She Wants’