Today’s Takeaway: Beyond Grief

Today’s Takeaway: Beyond Grief

Carina says she drinks every day to numb the pain of losing her two eldest sons, Nathan and Austin, three years ago.

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They, along with her ex-husband, Tom, his girlfriend, her young son, and her father were murdered while on a family camping trip in Texas.

Carina’s younger sons, Quinton and Roland, say they’re often the target of their mother’s rage. They say they’re concerned about their mother but haven’t confronted her about her behavior.

WATCH ‘I Just Want Them To Come Home,’ Says Grieving Mom Of The Sons She Lost To Murder

In Today’s Takeaway, Dr. Phil tells viewers that there is a point where grief can morph into something far more serious. “And that’s when you’ve got to go out and get that person and bring them back.”

Check here to find out where you can watch Monday’s episode.

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