Today’s Takeaway: Abducted Twice, Brainwashed and Molested: Actress Jan Broberg’s Story

Actress Jan Broberg, who is known for roles in the television shows, Everwood and Criminal Minds, claims she was abducted twice when she was 12 and 14 years old by close family friend, Robert Berchtold.

She says Berchtold always paid special attention to her, often excluding her younger sister, Karen. Karen says Berchtold would go to their house every day and spent an abnormal amount of time with her sister, but she never thought he would do anything bad.

Jan claims Berchtold molested, raped and brainwashed her into believing they were supposed to have a child together to save the world.

Even after the first abduction, Jan’s mother Mary Ann continued to take Jan to see Berchtold. Mary Ann admits she was attracted to Berchtold and that is the reason she kept him in her life.

Many years later, Jan claims Berchtold showed up at a woman’s conference where she was the guest speaker.

Find out what happened to Robert Berchtold and how Jan is still struggling with her abduction today.

In the video above, Dr. Phil shares his thoughts on the show and has an important message for parents.

This episode of Dr. Phil airs Thursday.