TNA IMPACT Results – February 29, 2024

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tna impact wrestling 2024

TNA IMPACT Results – February 29, 2024

Welcome to WrestleZone’s live coverage of TNA IMPACT on AXS TV! We start with memorial graphics for Ole Anderson and Virgil. We then see highlights of No Surrender from last week.

Mike Bailey vs. Steve Maclin

Bailey unloads with kicks to start. They spill to the outside where they duke it out and are nearly counted out. Wentz takes out Bailey’s leg behind the ref’s back. Back inside, Maclin continues to target the left leg. On the apron, they trade chops until Bailey sweeps Maclin’s legs. When Maclin avoids double knees, he knocks Bailey to the floor with a spear through the ropes. Trey tries to distract, allowing Maclin to hit Mayhem For All for a nearfall. Bailey pulls out more kicks until Maclin hits a buckle bomb. Bailey counters with poisonrana but doesn’t land Ultimo Weapon. Maclin hits KIA for the pinfall.

Winner: Steve Maclin

Maclin cuts a promo on Nic Nemeth being a leech, which is why he’s moving on. Nemeth appears on the tron from NJPW and announces he’s not there because he went off to win the IWGP Global title. He then challenges Maclin to a singles bout at Sacrifice.

Outside the arena, Gia Miller informs Frankie Kazarian that he is suspended for his attack on a ref at No Surrender. Kazarian tells Gia to ask Santino if he really thinks this is the right thing to do.

Laredo Kid vs. Jake Something

Kid controls the pace early on and sends Jake outside. Jake catches Kid and plants him with a powerbomb on the floor. Back inside, Laredo rebounds and lands a missile dropkick. Spike DDT on Something, but he kicks out at 1. Something pulls out Into the Void out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Jake Something

Backstage, Angels hosts Sound Check with Kon. Angels says he bought the best security that money can buy since his last segment ended in chaos. Alan expressed how proud he is of Kon as they are both doing awesome stuff. Kon reminds him that he’s the baddest man in TNA. The lights flicker and PCO appears. PCO shoves Angels to the ground and starts fighting with Kon as the camera cuts.

Deaner & AJ Francis vs. Joe Hendry & Rich Swann

Hendry cuts a promo before the action gets started. Swann is dominated at first before he pulls out a dropkick to counter Deaner. Hendry tags in and wrestles Deaner briefly before Francis gets the tag. Francis hits Deaner with a running knee strike in the corner. Hendry manages to lift Francis up but only for a second before collapsing. Swann and Deaner return off of hot tags as Swann lands several kicks. Swann hits the handspring cutter and tags out. Hendry hits Deaner with the Standing Ovation chokeslam for the win.

Winners: Joe Hendry & Rich Swann

We see a mysterious vignette from Decay.

Gia Miller interviews Josh Alexander about facing Hammerstone in a rematch at Sacrifice when Dirty Dango interrupts. Josh hints that he’ll get Santino to book them a match next week.

Mustafa Ali’s Inauguration Ceremony

John Skyler and Jason Hotch welcome out new X-Division Champion Mustafa Ali. He proclaims that “we did it, we accepted change, and we made the X-Division great again!” Shortly after, Chris Sabin interrupts and challenges Ali to step away from the podium to talk to him like a man. Sabin says he would still be champ if not for The Good Hands. Ali says that is a slanderous accusation. Good Hands tackle Sabin, leading to Kushida and Kevin Knight clearing the ring as Ali’s security escorts him out.

George Iceman and Ash By Elegance briefly come out to announce Ash will compete next week.

#1 Contender’s Match: Tasha Steelz vs. Xia Brookside

Xia unloads with strikes before Steelz hits a pump kick. Grace is shown watching backstage. Brookside hits a takedown out of the corner followed by a dropkick and crossbody, cover. Steelz turns things around and stomps on Xia in the corner. Steelz applies a headlock until Xia pulls out clotheslines and Broken Wings in the corner. She goes for Brooksie Bomb but manages to kick Steelz to the floor instead. Sliding dropkick to the floor followed by a running neckbreaker. They continue throwing punches as the ref counts them out.

Winner: Double Count-Out

Xia and Tasha roll inside to confront the ref before Jordynne Grace comes out and announces she’ll face both of them.

Next week: Ali. vs Kevin Knight, Alexander vs. Dango, Masha Slamovich vs. Dani Luna, Ash By Elegance in action.

Moose cuts a promo on Crazzy Steve as they will face each other in a No DQ match.

The System vs. Eric Young & ABC

EY and Myers start. Bey comes in but ends up cornered by The System. Alisha gets involved while Ace is legal heading into the break. Alisha continues to pull Ace against the rope as The System trade tags. Ace remains the damsel for several minutes as EY and Bey grow frustrated with their tactics. Eddie and EY receive hot tags as EY hits a neckbreaker. Myers is then slammed onto Eddie and EY goes for the pin.

Eddie and EY trade chops in the center before Bey and Moose get tags. Bey lands a kick as Moose is tangled in the ropes. Bey launches out but Moose catches and slams him on the apron. Myers spears Ace on the apron, EY dives through the ropes. Inside, Moose pump kicks Bey but Ace makes the save. ABC double team Moose with kicks.

1, 2, Sweet connects, but Eddie breaks the cover. Myers superkicks EY off the apron. Ace kicks Myers out. Moose pump kicks Ace. Alisha gets on the apron and Moose dropkicks Bey. Eddie hits the backpack stunner for Myers to hit the elbow drop. Myers pins Bey.

Winners: The System

RELATED: Josh Alexander On TNA Picking Up His Option: I’m Not Upset, I’ll Honor The Deal

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