Tireless OB-GYN Gives Birth to Daughter Then Helps Deliver Twins Just Hours Later

An obstetrician, who didn’t want to miss out on the birth of her patient’s twins, stepped in to help deliver them just hours after she gave birth to her own baby.

Hilary Conway, an OB-GYN at Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic in Washington, gave birth to her second child—Verna Pearson—on the afternoon Dec. 12. While Conway was resting in her hospital room later that night, she received a text from her patient, Katie Moss, announcing she was in labor.

Conway didn’t see the text until past midnight, so she checked the nurse’s station to see if Moss had been admitted—that’s when she found out that not only had her patient arrived, but she was in the room right next door to hers. Conway—who had been worried about missing her chance to welcome the twins into the world—immediately walked in to give her support to Moss.

“I was very saddened to think I might not be there to deliver her. My due date was one month prior to hers,” Conway recalls. “At our last clinic visit before my scheduled induction of labor on Dec. 12, we both expressed sadness that I would likely not be there for the delivery.”

Since her patient was only a stone’s throw away, Conway knew there was no way she could miss the big moment. After feeding her newborn and leaving her in the care of a staffer, Conway prepped for the delivery and took over ultrasound duties. The Moss twins arrived during the early morning hours of Dec. 13—Luke at 4:50 a.m. and Soren at 5:38 a.m.—just 14 hours after Conway gave birth to little Verna.

“It was awesome to be there for the delivery, it’s always a bummer to miss them. Being a healthcare provider is such a huge privilege. Patients trust us with so much, and in OB-GYN, this is magnified,” Conway says. “As doctor and patient, we go through so much together during the pregnancy, it’s a huge disappointment to miss the delivery. So, as soon as I realized that delivering Katie was feasible, I was beyond thrilled for the privilege of being there.”

As for Verna, Conway says she is doing great post-delivery and is filling out her onesies more and more every day. While looking back on that flurry of events, Conway insists it wasn’t as hectic as it seems. If she’s impressed with anything, it’s with her patient and the hospital staff who helped pull off the successful deliveries.