Tina Fey and ?uestlove share a Hoagie of Forgiveness

You can take the girl out of Philly, but you definitely can’t take the Philly out of the girl. (Especially when said girl is Liz Lemon and an acceptable meal in said city is Pat’s cheese steaks and Tastykakes.) Tina Fey was ready to let her inner Philly girl out when she learned that fellow native ?uestlove told Andy Cohen during a visit to Watch What Happens Live that the 30 Rock star is “never nice to the Roots.”

Fey, who stopped by Late Night With Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday night, admitted in her best South Philly accent that her initial reaction to the ?uestlove smack-talk was to “drag him behind a Wawa and we’re going to fight.” (Quick side note, PopWatchers: As someone who lived in southeast Pennsylvania for most of my life, I can assure you, there is no word that brings greater joy to someone’s ear from that region than “Wawa.” Wawa, in case you’re not familiar, is a convenience store-gas station-wonder emporium. Also, can someone please go pick me up a Shorti?)

The new mom decided better against that course of action and brought the Fallon bandleader the ultimate Philadelphia gesture: The Hoagie of Forgiveness. (Unless it’s from Sheetz. In which case, it doesn’t count.) The two, with the help of Fallon, bit into the sandwich (“With this hoagie, I thee friend,” ?uestlove vowed) and put their beef, which had just been one big misunderstanding in the first place, behind them.

Watch the full clip, in which ?uestlove extends the olive branch even further by giving Fey his famous hair pick, below:

See, Michele Bachmann, this whole thing could have been settled with a hoagie!

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’30 Rock’ season 6 teaser trailer: Watch!

Tina Fey and Amy Poheler’s ‘Jersey Shore’ parody: Watch!

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