Tim McGraw’s 40-Lb. Weight Loss Started After His Daughter Said He Looked ‘Big on the Screen’

Tim McGraw is feeling “at the top” of his game these days, and it all goes back to a comment from his daughter.

In 2008, the country star, 52, took on a role in the movie Four Christmases, and his then-11-year-old daughter Gracie made an observation that changed his health.

McGraw was 215 lbs. at that point, and Gracie, now 22, said he looked “big on the screen.”

“I got out of it for a while,” he told Men’s Health of working out. “I was in the prime of my career, and I wasn’t capitalizing on it.”

That was the push McGraw needed, and he decided to cut out burgers and other “truck-stop foods,” along with alcohol. He also started exercising regularly, beginning with daily walks and working his way up to 20-minute runs and weightlifting.

RELATED: Inside Tim McGraw’s Health Journey 10 Years After Going Sober — Including His Twice-Daily Workouts

McGraw found that his new workout routine was helping his singing.

“I use my whole body to sing—my legs, my butt. And having more control over those things makes my voice stronger,” he said.

Tim McGraw | Arturo Olmos for Men’s Health
Tim McGraw | Arturo Olmos for Men’s Health

The father of three has lost 40 lbs. over the last 11 years, and said that now, at age 52, he feels better than ever.

“There’s such a feeling of accomplishment that comes from the feeling of being my age and still being at the top of my game,” he said. “I don’t really get tired of training.”

Tim McGraw | Arturo Olmos for Men’s Health
Tim McGraw | Arturo Olmos for Men’s Health

McGraw’s current routine is one that he designs himself each day. He works out for 90 minutes, and does a few moves he coined — deep squats with side stretches, called Cheyennes; sumo squats to build up his legs, called Beyoncés; yoga flows called Infinity.

RELATED: Tim McGraw Is Writing a Book About His Health Transformation: Exercise Brings ‘Focus to My Life’

“This workout is my meditation,” he said. “It frees things up in your head so you can get the trash out for a little while.”

McGraw, whose new book Grit & Grace: Train the Mind, Train the Body, Own Your Life comes out on Nov. 5, told PEOPLE in March that his workouts have changed everything in his life.

Tim McGraw | Arturo Olmos for Men’s Health
Tim McGraw | Arturo Olmos for Men’s Health

“I’ve gone through a physical transformation in the last 10 years, but it’s not just my appearance that has changed,” he said. “My mind is clearer, my sense of purpose is sharper, and my relationships are deeper. Consistent physical exercise helps me bring focus to my life and to the people who mean the most to me.”