‘Thor: Ragnarok’ First Reactions Praise Taika Waititi as the Savior of the ‘Thor’ Franchise

Ask any fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe what his or her favorite film is and chances are good you won’t be hearing “Thor” or “Thor: The Dark World.” Chris Hemsworth’s Asgardian god of thunder has worked much better as a wisecracking supporting player in the “Avengers” films than he has as the central hero in his standalone films. In fact, “Thor: The Dark World” is often cited as the worse Marvel film to date. Luckily, New Zealand director Taika Waititi is here to course correct the relationship between “Thor” and the big screen.

Read More: Taika Waititi Explains Why ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Was the Perfect Project to Follow ‘Hunt for the Wilderpeople’

The first reactions for “Thor: Ragnarok” are in on social media, and they are universally glowing. Nearly every critic agrees “Ragnarok” is easily the best “Thor” movie out of the three standalone films, and Waititi is earning praise for his offbeat humor. /Film editor Peter Sciretta even called the movie “one of the funniest Marvel Studio movies thus far,” while Yahoo Entertainment’s Kevin Polowy tipped his hat to Marvel for allowing Waititi to “make a movie that’s Waititi-ish as hell.”

Waititi has made a name for himself as a master of quirk thanks to efforts like “Boy,” “Eagle vs. Shark,” “What We Do in the Shadows,” and “Hunt for the Wilderpeople.” The latter was a big success at Sundance in 2016 and went on to become the highest grossing movie ever in the director’s home country, New Zealand. “Ragnarok” is Waititi’s biggest showcase to date and it sounds like fans have nothing to worry about.

“Thor: Ragnarok,” starring Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Tessa Thompson, Jeff Goldblum, and Cate Blanchett, opens in theaters nationwide November 3. Check out the handful of first reactions below.

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