The Themes In The Indie Film, “South Mountain,” Have Evolved With The Changing Times

In the movie, “South Mountain," actor Talia Balsam plays a character dealing with loneliness and searching for connection. Balsam explains how the film’s plot takes on new meaning during the health crisis in which it is being released.

Video Transcript

- And it's interesting. I just watched your film, "Stone Mountain--" sorry, "South Mountain."


- It is beautiful. It's a beautiful film. And it was interesting, because your character is sort of dealing with loneliness in this new way. And because of where I'm at, it was just-- I really connected to her character and her kind of looking to connect with people. So take us through the premise of the film and why it was interesting for you to be a part of this project.

TALIA BALSAM: It was interesting, because I-- and I'm glad you mentioned that, because I think the film is evolving as our world is evolving in a way that is probably hitting different notes right now. But how it-- you know, it's just such a-- it was a great script. I had just come off of "Divorce," which was an HBO show, which was a very different part.

And I think that in terms of when I read it and stuff, I felt at the time I remember-- I think things come to you for a reason. And I remember my son was about to go off to college. And I think I was sort of grappling with loss, loneliness, re-identifying myself, what sort of trying to prime myself for this and didn't really know what that was going to be. So I think it struck a chord with me.