The Weird and Funny Way Sandra Bullock Told Harry Connick Jr. He Got the Part in ‘Hope Floats’

Harry Connick Jr. kicked things off on his new daytime television show, Harry, with a story about how he found out he had landed his starring role in Hope Floats. That 1998 movie also starred Sandra Bullock. But unlike Bullock, Connick Jr. had to audition and after a while found himself to be one of two finalists for the part. After a screen test with Bullock in Texas, Connick Jr. was flying back to L.A. with her when things got weird.

“She’s sitting three feet away from me, and she starts to kind of unbutton her shirt,” Connick Jr. said. “And I’m like, all right, she’s … she’s hot. That’s a strange button to unbutton if you’re hot. … She continues to unbutton her shirt to about here, and she pulls her shirt apart. And written on her stomach were the words ‘You got the part.’”

Then, get this, Bullock actually came on the show as Connick Jr.’s first guest. There we found out just how much of an impression he made on her when they first met. “You had on this yellow sundress,” shared Connick Jr. “You probably don’t remember because you were meeting so many people.” “I don’t even remember you,” responded Bullock. “That’s what’s so weird.” “That takes care of my next question,” joked Connick Jr. “I was going to ask, what was your first impression of me?” “Not very good, obviously,” Bullock jested.

“I’ll never get rid of that image, how could I, of you buttoning your shirt.” Connick Jr. said later, referring to his plane story. “Especially since there was a piece of my stomach folding over, and it just said, ‘You got,’” replied Bullock. Connick Jr. then got laughs as he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a message for Bullock, “Dear Sandy. Thank you so much for being the very first guest on my first show. I love you.”

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