The Most Memorable Audition Fails From ‘American Idol’ Premiere

The 15th and final season of American Idol kicked off on Wednesday night, and while most of the singers were great, some excelled in other ways. One Idol hopeful named Joseph Kohlruss was brimming with self-confidence, but unfortunately the big game he talked did show up in the audition room. He did, however, manage to get a pretty funny response from judge Harry Connick Jr., who upon hearing his scale said, “The last half of what he did wasn’t even a note; he was like, ‘aaa’ … bro, that ain’t no damn note.”

Then there was the Sasser family and their adorable little baby. After the couple auditioned, only the husband received a ticket, which didn’t go over too well with the missus, who blamed him for her poor performance.

And lastly there was Billy Bob. He couldn’t sing all that well, but he definitely put a smile on all the judges’ faces. He described himself as such: “I live hard, I work hard, and I party even harder. Sometimes I jump up on the bars and dance like a fat John Travolta from Urban Cowboy — nothing against John Travolta, but I think I can dance a little better than him.”

American Idol airs Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8pm on FOX.

Watch our rankings of all the judges in the video below.

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