The Best Halloween Costumes in Cinema

Happy Halloween! In honor of the day, we’re going to celebrate some of the best costumes characters have sported in cinema. After a healthy debate in our office today, we determined that Casper’s Devon Sawa costume doesn’t qualify, but we have some other ones worthy of recognition. Time’s wasting — let’s do it to it.

Amanda Seyfried in Mean Girls

Amanda Seyfried
Amanda Seyfried, dressed as a mouse (duh!). (Paramount Pictures)

She’s a mouse, duh.

Mark and Michael Polish in Twin Falls Idaho

Mark and Michael Polish as Siamese twins.
Mark and Michael Polish as Siamese twins. (Sony Pictures Classics)

If you’re a ’90s kid who just loved Mean Girls, then you probably know all about Twin Falls Idaho. OK, you probably don’t. It’s about a pair of conjoined twins who shy away from the world because of their condition, but do go out on Halloween as Siamese twins. Clever!

Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd as Benjamin Franklin in They Came Together

Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd as Benjamin Franklin.
Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd as Benjamin Franklin. (Lionsgate)

While we’re going with dual costumes, let’s give a shout-out to Amy Poehler and Paul Rudd in They Came Together for showing Ben Franklin is a unisex getup of the highest order.

E.T. in E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

E.T. as a ghost.
E.T. as a ghost. (Universal Pictures)

Let’s veer into classic film territory. You know spooky ghosts, right? Well, E.T.’s definitely qualifies. When they go out trick-or-treating and they run into a kid with an impossibly professional looking Yoda costume? Awesome.

Ralph Macchio in The Karate Kid

Ralph Macchio
Ralph Macchio as a shower. (Columbia Pictures)

And finally, our favorite costume is one of the dumbest, and that’s why it’s so great. Before he mastered martial arts, Daniel mastered Halloween wear with his shower. ’Nuff said.

The Best Horror Films You Haven’t Seen:

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