Thanos is back on his BS as Marvel announces a new Infinity Watch saga to play out throughout 2024


Thanks to the mega success of the MCU, Thanos is arguably now Marvel's most famous villain. The Mad Titan returns once more to comics in the new Infinity Watch crossover, which is set to play out across numerous Marvel annuals this summer.

In the story, Thanos will undertake a new search for the all-powerful stones - now bonded to various Marvel heroes and villains. The events of this pivotal story will "decide the fate of the stones and also culminate with the formation of a brand-new lineup of the stone's legendary guardians - the INFINITY WATCH."

Starting with Thanos Annual #1, the initial issues of the new crossover will be written by Derek Landy, who will also be collaborating on backup stories with Sara Pichelli in each of the nine following issues. These stories are set to "follow the creation and pursuit of the mysterious Death Stone-bearer" who will be revealed in that issue.

Here's Marvel's solicitations for the first three parts of the new 'Infinity Watch' storyline, which also reveal that Al Ewing is penning the Immortal Thor Annual.

Thanos Annual #1 - The Infinity Watch - Part One

Infinity Watch covers
Infinity Watch covers

Writer: Derek Landy
Artists: Salvador Larroca and Sara Pichelli

"Welcome to INFINITY WATCH! Thanos goes off to find the INFINITY STONES, but he's in for a shock when he discovers that the Infinity Stones have been incorporated into actual people like Star, Quantum, Overtime, Prince of Power and Multitude! Wait, there are six Infinity Stones but only five people listed?! You don’t want to miss the start of this Marvel Universe-shaking saga!"

The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 - The Infinity Watch - Part Two

Infinity Watch covers
Infinity Watch covers

Writer: Derek Landy
Artists: Ron Lim and Sarah Pichelli

"The Time Stone Bearer, a.k.a. Overtime, takes on Spider-Man! It's time travel vs. Spider-Sense as the Infinity Watch grows and the universe lands in deep deep trouble… PLUS, The Death Stone Bearer arrives as Derek Landy and Sara Pichelli's Annual-Linking story marches on with more surprises than you can handle!"

The Immortal Thor - The Infinity Watch - Part Three

Infinity Watch covers
Infinity Watch covers

Writer: Al Ewing
Artists: David Baldeón and Sara Pichelli

"Faced with the menace of Utgard and a prophecy of his own doom, the son of Odin sought out the legendary Power Stone to aid his fight. Only two things were in his way. Firstly, the mighty Champion of the Universe – with strength to match Thor's own – was also questing for the stone. Secondly, the Stone is now inside a person – the Prince of Power! PLUS, Derek Landy and Sara Pichelli continue the journey of the Death Stone Bearer and the scar it will leave on the universe!"

The first line-up of the Infinity Watch hails back to 1992's Warlock and the Infinity Watch #1. Since then there have been several different line-ups of the organisation, formed by Doctor Strange and Loki.

"When you write for Marvel it's all you can hope for to add your thread to the massive tapestry of stories that has been unfolding since 1961," said Derek Landy in a statement about the new series. "To be asked, then, to spearhead this next chapter is a prospect beyond my paltry imagination. I get to work on characters I've never written before - Thanos! Hulk! - and drag them into the story beside the new generation of heroes like Ms. Marvel and Spider-Boy. Thankfully, there is absolutely no pressure because comic fans are a notoriously easy-going bunch who are prepared to forgive if—oh dear God."

There will be more annuals announced over the coming months, so watch this space. Thanos Annual #1 is published on June 26, followed up by Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1 on July 3, with Immortal Thor Annual #1 on July 17.

Here's your definitive guide to the Infinity Stones in the MCU.