Tales from Beyond the Pale: Season 3 release details —exclusive spooky stream and poster

Do you enjoy being scared by the sound of things going bump, crash, and “I’m coming to kill you!” in the middle of the night?

Then we bring some frightfully good news. Horror-loving filmmakers Glenn McQuaid (I Sell the Dead) and Larry Fessenden (Wendigo) have announced that the third season of their creepy audio drama series, Tales from Beyond the Pale, is being released Nov. 27.

The 10-episode season will feature tales written by McQuaid, Fessenden, and Jeff Buhler (The Midnight Meat Train), among others. Meanwhile, the impressive cast list includes Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Vincent D’Onofrio, Nick Damici, James LeGros, Sean Young, and Pat Healy.

The new season also features a Re-Animator reunion with director Stuart Gordon, actress Barbara Crampton, writer Dennis Paoli, and composer Richard Band returning to H.P. Lovecraft territory with an adaptation of the famous horror writer’s short story, The Hound.

Tales from Beyond the Pale: Season 3 will be released with a hardcover book — illustrated by renowned poster artist Graham Humphreys — and on a USB drive that will also feature an introductory film by Beck Underwood. The set is available for pre-order at the official Tales from Beyond the Pale website.

“I can’t wait to get this new collection of Tales… out to hungry ears,” said McQuaid, in a statement. “After five years on the project, the audio format is opening up to us in new ways and these ten Tales are a wonderful edition of our crazy canon of stories.”

You can exclusively see Graham Humphreys’ poster for The Hound, above, and hear a stream of the story, below. If you dare!!! 

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