Taken 3 is called Tak3n… and Liam Neeson says it's the last Taken ever

USA Today just posted a long chat with Liam Neeson about the next entry in the Taken franchise, and the only thing you absolutely have to know right now is that the piece claims that the movie will be called Tak3n, in the grand number-as-letter title tradition of Se7en and Thir13en Ghosts and 5tar War5: Epi5ode V–The Empire Strike5 Back and Star Trek In2 Darkness and Step Up 2 The Streets, which is technically a full sentence because the 410 dance crew were symbolically “stepping up” to the competition.

It’s unclear if anyone will actually get taken in Tak3n. According to Neeson, “I have to go on the run, I’ll put it that way, from the not-so-lawful types and the lawful authorities…Bryan Mills serves his country faithfully, but now even they are after him.” It’s unclear how this “on-the-run” plot will allow Bryan Mills to beat up a bunch of Albanians, but presumably that’s part of the mystery.

The film also stars Forest Whitaker as the Tommy Lee Jones to Neeson’s Harrison Ford, and although Whitaker jokes that the two characters might fight in some future Taken sequel, Neeson specifically claims that Tak3n will mark the end of the Taken saga. “I think this is the end,” he says, which makes it unlikely (but not impossible) that anyone will ever make a movie titled Ta4en.