Movie:dirty Grandpa

  • NewsGwynne Watkins

    The Best of the Worst ‘Dirty Grandpa’ Reviews

    Dirty Grandpa (in theaters today) might be easily confused with Bad Grandpa, the 2013 surprise hit from the Jackass crew. “You know all that scum that Travis Bickle used to hope a real rain would come and wash away?

  • NewsYahoo Premium Partners

    Review: 'Dirty Grandpa' Gets Old Fast

    Humor, it must be acknowledged, is entirely subjective. What some people find hilarious, others find rude, even offensive. Indeed, it’s entirely possible that … wait, never mind. Forget all that. It can be definitively stated that Dirty Grandpa is utterly unfunny. Or, you could say it’s as funny as child molestation, a subject which, incidentally, inspires one of its least tasteful gags.  

  • NewsYahoo Movies Staff

    'Dirty Grandpa' Trailer

    Release date: Jan. 22, 2016

  • NewsKevin Polowy

    'Dirty Grandpa' Trailer: Zac Efron and Robert De Niro Cut Loose, Smoke a Little Crack

    The first trailer for the Robert De Niro-Zac Efron spring-break comedy Dirty Grandpa is here (above), and it definitely sets today’s record for things we never expected to see, in a movie or otherwise. In Dirty Grandpa, Efron plays Jason, an uptight dude about to get hitched.

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