Movie:a Hologram For The King

  • NewsYahoo Movies Staff

    'A Hologram for the King' Trailer

    Release date: April 22, 2016

  • NewsYahoo Premium Partners

    'A Hologram for the King' Review: Perfectly Cast Tom Hanks Faces Irrelevance in Dave Eggers Dramedy

    The movie gets off to a bright, bitter start with a fantasy sequence set to Talking Heads’ anti-ode to middle-class angst, “Once in a Lifetime,” and Hanks’ down-on-his luck Alan Clay wondering “How did I get here?” “Here” being divorced, broke and heading to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to oversee a presentation of a whiz-bang teleconferencing system. The pitch is make-or-break for Alan, who got the consulting gig not for his skills but because of a vague social connection to the royal family. Hanks

  • NewsJen Chaney on Tumblr

    Tom Hanks Takes a Fall in Exclusive Clip From ‘A Hologram for the King’

    Exclusive clip from upcoming film written and directed by Tom Tykwer from the novel by Dave Eggers, starring Oscar winner as a struggling American businessman who travels to Saudi Arabia for a crucial pitch that may help him regain his financial footing.

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