Debbie Reynods

  • NewsSuperfan TV

    Joely Fisher Discusses Sister Carrie Fisher’s Death With Dr. Oz

    She detailed the last time she saw Carrie and their last text messages to each other. “I saw her in November for her birthday, and we had a grand time.”

  • NewsYahoo TV

    ‘Bright Lights’: A Fine Tribute to Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds

    After Debbie Reynolds’s death followed so soon after Carrie Fisher’s, HBO moved up the premiere of its documentary about mother and daughter — Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. Bright Lights is downright jaunty in its portrayal of the two stars, who lived next door to each other in Beverly Hills. As directed by Fisher Stevens and Alexis Bloom, Bright Lights portrays the pair as wacky neighbors forever barging in on each other, making wisecracks, and dispensing funny sp

  • NewsYahoo Celebrity

    Carrie Fisher’s Urn Is a Giant Prozac Pill

    Carrie Fisher was funny until the very end. Leave it to Carrie Fisher to find humor in death. The Star Wars actress was laid to rest on Friday with her mother, Debbie Reynolds, in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Los Angeles, where Carrie made quite the entrance.

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