Baylee Curran

  • NewsYahoo Celebrity Contributors

    Baylee Curran’s Message to Chris Brown: ‘You Know What You Did’

    Chris Brown has been released from jail after he was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon. Baylee Curran, the beauty queen who alleged that the 27-year-old singer pointed a gun at her face, says she came to his house with a friend around midnight to discuss the possibility of appearing in upcoming music videos. “Chris kind of got out of hand and said, ‘I’m so sick of all you people,’ took out his gun, pointed it right at my face and said, ‘Get the f out or I’m gonna

  • NewsYahoo Premium Partners

    Chris Brown’s Alleged Victim Says He Pulled Gun After Argument Over Jewelry

    Baylee Curran called the cops on Chris Brown. (Photo: Instagram)

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